Why did God make Noah different


W2KW “Why did God make Noah different?” –Trus H.

Trus feeding Noah

Kids have questions…LOTS of questions! And as parents, they expect us to have ALL the answers. Over the years and especially now since I’ve started this blog, I ask my friends what questions they and more so what questions their children have about Noah. Here is a question that his friend, Trus, asked his mom.

[video width="240" height="320" mp4="http://exceptionalliving101.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Trus-W2KW-ques.mp4"][/video]

When you’re out and your child loudly asks those embarrassing questions “Why do they look like that?” “Why do she talk like that?” “What happened him?” Don’t ‘shhhhsh’ them and hurriedly walk in the other direction. Most likely the family has heard you. It’s okay to say “I don’t know, but let’s say hi and ask him/her or their mom/dad together.”

I don’t always have good answers because I have questions myself. Yet, I much prefer have the questions asked so you and your child will know they don’t have to be afraid of a person with a disability. That you/they can’t ‘catch’ the disability; to learn how to be kind, loving, accepting, helpful, protecting and friendly to those that aren’t like them.

Here is his mom’s response.

[video width="240" height="320" mp4="http://exceptionalliving101.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/W2KW_Answer.mp4"][/video]

I’m thankful for my village as I’m always learning from my family and friends just as they learn from me. I love it when we’re out with family/friends and they jump in to answer questions for me!