
 Here are a few organizations with excellent resources for the disability community and their caregivers.

​National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities

The National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD) is the national membership association for the 56 State Councils on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD or DD Councils) across the United States and its territories. The DD Councils receive federal funding to support policy change and programs that promote self-determination, integration, and inclusion for all people in the United States with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Got Transition

Got Transition® is the national resource center on health care transition (HCT). Its aim is to improve the transition from pediatric to adult health care through the use of evidence-driven strategies for clinicians and other health care professionals; public health programs; payers and plans; youth and young adults; and parents and caregivers.

Parent to Parent USA

Parent to Parent USA is committed to creating an inclusive environment for all volunteers, and partners, including, but not limited to, P2P USA Alliance Members, P2P USA Partners, Friends of P2P USA, staff, contractors, and Board members, where everyone is welcomed and respected.

Think College

Think College provides resources, technical assistance, and training related to college options for students with intellectual disability and manages the only national listing of college programs for students with intellectual disability in the United States.

Centers for Independent Living

ACL advocates across the federal government for older adults, people with disabilities, and families and caregivers; funds services and supports provided primarily by states and networks of community-based programs; and invests in training, education, research, and innovation.

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