Grief Courses

Processing the BASES of Grief

Processing the BASES of Grief is a 7-week course that will help you manage the cycles of grief - when it's anticipated, and especially when it's not.

A photo of a baseball stadium with fans and bases

Do you find yourself saying/thinking things like:

  • It’s a struggle to get out of bed every day even though I get enough sleep. 

  • Why did this happen to me? 

  • It happened so long ago I should be over it by now. 

  • People would love to have my life, but I don’t. 

  • I can’t talk to anyone because they’ll judge me—or even worse, report me.

This course will help you manage all the phases of grief, from anger to acceptance.  

By the end of seven weeks, you'll be able to identify your grief, give language to your feelings, and gain tools to take steps forward in your grief and healing journey.

Grief is cyclical and unpredictable. It’s not reserved for death only. Grief is experiencing loss.

When: Sundays 4:00p-5:15p EST starting 8/13/23 - 9/24/23

Where: Zoom (Max 10 participants)

Investment: Donation (regularly $600)